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National SAFER Workplace Day

National SAFER Workplace Day is an officially registered day (National Today) to occur on the last Friday of June.  National SAFER Workplace Day takes place Friday, June 28th, 2024.

tec.nicum, the engineering services of division of the Schmersal Group established this day to create awareness about the SAFER Workplace initiative, which promotes workplace safety, with a heightened focus on machine safety, to reduce the potential of near misses, accidents, and injuries. The SAFER acronym is based on the 5 fundamental steps used to conduct a risk assessment and stands for STOP, ASSESS, FORMULATE, EXECUTE, and REVIEW. These steps are fundamental to properly addressing any safety concerns so that a safe and efficient solution can be created and implemented.

Please join us on June 28. Here is how you can participate:

Acknowledge a coworker or employee for following safe practices.

Acknowledging a coworker or employee for doing their job in a safe manner not only boosts morale and fosters a positive work environment, but also reinforces the importance of safe practices and encourages continued vigilance in maintaining a safe workplace for all.

Make a safety tips list.

List 3 ways in which you can perform your job safer. Share with your safety officers to see if they can be implemented and participate in the change.

Share your story.

Highlight a safety initiative implemented by your company on social media. Use the hashtag #SaferWorkplace and tag @SchmersalUSA
or email with the subject National SAFER Workplace Day.


> Learn more about National SAFER Workplace Day
> Learn more about SAFER Workplace

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National SAFER workplace Day 2024
National SAFER Workplace Day